Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why? What? How? When? Where?

Welcome. Selamat Datang.

New Year of 2009! Everyone was talking about their own resolutions for this year. Which I think that might be inspiring and motivated as well. (Well, depending on the wishlist and effort)

Everyday - Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday & Saturday. 24hours, each of us will face and experienced lots of bad and good things. Time change and so do people.

It's time to move on! It's time to plan and look forward! It's time to make the changes! It's time to forgive and forget!

Yeah.... My biggest 2009 resolution is to FORGIVE & FORGET. It sounds easy to do...but hey! It's difficult to do as well! Yes, it's tough! It's hard!

People make mistakes and so do I. Why? When? How? What? This is all the questions that will be asking by them. Who are them? Ask yourself....

2008 -

It is a terrific and most disaster things, that happened to me. Let me keep it to myself. It's hurt. Sad. Annoying. Bizarre! Thanks to my family, especially to my mum. Thanks so much for the support and loves throughout those days! You meant everything to me. Really, you are!

I love you mom! (sobbing.....)


What past is past! I keep on telling myself. It's time to move on! Life must go on!

Please welcome me on board!



January 23th, 2009


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